Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Do You Have A Heart For Helping Seniors?

We have just updated our site with an additional page: Volunteer Today!  You can  print off Volunteer Activity Assistant Application forms on our new page.

We would love for you to become a part of Gold Country; please sign up today!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

January Skilled Nursing Activity Newsletter and Schedule!!

Our Community Events Page has been updated with Skilled Nursing Activities Schedule and Newsletter.


Tibetian Monk's Visit to Gold Country

Thursday, December 9, 2010


 Christmas can be a very lonely time for nursing home residents. Yes, there are extra visitors and activities, but for those without families, or with families who fail to visit or write, the season is very bleak and depressing. Consider asking the ACTIVITY DEPARTMENT for the names of one or two residents without family who would appreciate a small gift – then ask for suggestions. Spending an extra $5 or $10 could make Christmas brighter for one or two of those residents.


Helpful Things to Remember When Giving Gifts to Residents

• Remember residents in nursing homes have limited space for personal belongings
• Check with the administration about their policy on items families and friends can bring to residents
• Permanently label any gift with their name
• If you’re giving clothing, make sure it’s wash-and-wear, unless you’ll be responsible for the dry cleaning
• Understand that off-site laundry is the rule in many nursing homes. Clothing can easily be lost when this happens.
• Know that, even if someone is in a “private” room, it’s still accessible to staff and other residents, both invited and “wanderers”
• Keep safety in mind at all times: glass or ceramic items are breakable and can cause injury
 • Find out about the administration’s policies on pointed or sharp objects such as scissors, pins or needles – including the large, plastic craft or knitting kind


• Give the resident money directly, unless it’s pocket change for phone calls – deposit it in their facility’s “patient personal account”... CHECK with the Business Department.
• Bring them food or candy if they are on special diets, UNLESS you check with the nursing staff and have their OK
• Bring visiting pets the nursing home administration hasn’t cleared – that can be traumatic for both the animal and the resident... please do not let that stop you from checking in with Social Services and the Activity Department to become a Visiting Animal Partner in our facility. PET VISITORS are WELCOME!


Here a Few Gift Suggestions:
• Subscriptions to favorite magazines – many have large-print or “talking” editions available
• Books, as long as they’re not too large and heavy, or the print isn’t too small. Talking books are good for those with very low vision.
• Washable clothing, including sweaters, robes or socks (you think your washer is the only one that eats socks?)
• Non-skid slippers that won’t fall off their feet
• A washable, decorative pillow or throw without tassels or fringe for their bed or wheelchair
• Pictures in lightweight frames for their wall
• A calendar with dates in large heavy print and scenes that will have meaning to the resident
• Dusting powder, moisturizing lotions or after shave in their favorite fragrances... but please ask the nursing department for appropriate suggestions

You are the best gift you can give, more than any other gift. If you can’t see your loved one in person because of distance, call, or write them a letter to keep them informed about what you and the family have been doing. Many residents who nursing home staff consider “non-responsive” come alive when a friend or relative visits. You represent a connection, physical, mental and emotional, to the past. Sometimes, they may not remember your name, or may confuse you with someone else, but you are still recognized at some deep level of their awareness.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

WE Celebrate ALL our Volunteers

A few months ago we celebrated our Volunteers at an Award Ceremony and Luncheon.

Volunteers were welcomed with decorated tables.

Outstanding volunteers were recognized for their critical support of our residents.

Designer cupcakes were on the menu for dessert.

Thank you to our community volunteers!

How Can you make a Difference?


Life in a nursing home, even the best of nursing homes, is often confusing, frustrating, scary, and lonely.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, more than 50 percent of nursing home residents have no close relatives, and 46 percent have no living children. These two facts are a major reason why an estimated 60 percent of nursing home residents never have visitors.

Human contact is critical for health. Yet, a University of Maryland study of more than 1,400 "significant others" of nursing home residents found that the number of visits and calls by family and friends declined by half after an individual entered a nursing home. Try to imagine how you would feel if you had to leave your home to live in a new environment where you had limited or no access to your family and friends.

Nursing home volunteer opportunities can include spending time with a resident, playing cards, talking, taking a walk, or sharing a meal. But you can also make visits during which you and the nursing home resident create and preserve memories that will provide comfort for the resident when friends and family are absent.

Find out about all our volunteer opportunities by calling our activity department at:
 530-621-1100 ext 36- ask for Angela